Random Acts of Kindness

Kildrum Community Council is celebrating our wonderful community by asking residents to nominate neighbours and friends in Kildrum to receive random acts of kindness.

Do you know someone who could use a smile? Maybe they are unwell, bereaved, recovering from surgery, or recently had a baby. Maybe they just could do with something to brighten their day. That’s the key: it’s a random act of kindness! ❤️🌟

How it works:

You message or email us and nominate a recipient. They must live or work in Kildrum.

You don’t need to tell us why - we all need a smile from time to time! But if they have any specific circumstances or needs that we should know about, such as allergies, please do tell us.

Deliveries will take place between 5th and 8th of May.

To preserve people’s privacy, if you can deliver the parcel yourself, we would appreciate that. If you can’t, then if you give us their address, one of our delivery volunteers will make the delivery. It will be completely anonymous: the volunteer will just be given a gift bag and asked to hand it over.

If you are interested in being a delivery volunteer over the weekend of 5th - 8th May, please also let us know.


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